
73 entries « 4 of 4 »

Yan­peng Li, Bin­lian Sun, Ste­fan Ess­er, Heiko Jessen, Hen­drik Streeck, Marek Widera, Rongge Yang, Ulf Dittmer, Kathrin Sutter

Expres­sion Pat­tern of Indi­vid­ual IFNA Sub­types in Chron­ic HIV Infec­tion Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Jour­nal of Inter­fer­on and Cytokine Research, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 541 – 549, 2017.



Stephan Hof­mann, San­dra Dehn, Ramona Businger, Sebas­t­ian Bold­u­an, Martha Schnei­der, Zeger Debyser, Ruth Brack-Wern­er, Michael Schindler

Dual role of the chro­matin-bind­ing fac­tor PHF13 in the pre- and post-inte­gra­tion phas­es of HIV‑1 repli­ca­tion Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Open Biol­o­gy, vol. 7, no. 10, pp. 170115, 2017.



San­ti­a­go Man­rique, Daniel Sauter, Flo­ri­an A. Horenkamp, Sebas­t­ian Lülf, Hangx­ing Yu, Dominik Hot­ter, Kan­chan Anand, Frank Kirch­hoff, Matthias Geyer

Endo­cyt­ic sort­ing motif inter­ac­tions involved in Nef-medi­at­ed down­mod­u­la­tion of CD4 and CD3 Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Nature Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 442, 2017.



Dominik Hot­ter, Tere­sa Krabbe, Elis­a­beth Rei­th, Ali Gawan­bacht, Nadia Rahm, Ahid­jo Ayou­ba, Benoît Van Driess­che, Carine Van Lint, Mar­tine Peeters, Frank Kirch­hoff, Daniel Sauter

Pri­mate lentivirus­es use at least three alter­na­tive strate­gies to sup­press NF-κB-medi­at­ed immune acti­va­tion Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Pub­lic Library of Sci­ence (PLoS) Pathogens, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. e1006598, 2017.



Birthe Trautz, Han­nah Wiede­mann, Chris­t­ian Lücht­en­borg, Vir­ginia Pieri­ni, Jan Kranich, Bär­bel Glass, Hans-Georg Kräus­slich, Thomas Brock­er, Mas­si­mo Piz­za­to, Alessia Rug­gieri, Brit­ta Brüg­ger, Oliv­er T. Fackler

The host-cell restric­tion fac­tor SERINC5 restricts HIV‑1 infec­tiv­i­ty with­out alter­ing the lipid com­po­si­tion and orga­ni­za­tion of viral par­ti­cles Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Jour­nal of Bio­log­i­cal Chem­istry, vol. 292, no. 33, pp. 13702 – 13713, 2017.



Han­na-Mari Bal­dauf, Lena Stegmann, Sarah-Marie Schwarz, Ina Ambiel, Maud Tro­tard, Mar­garethe Mar­tin, Man­ja Burggraf, Gina M. Lenzi, Hele­na Lejk, Xiaoyu Pan, Oliv­er I. Fregoso, Efrem S. Lim, Lib­in Abra­ham, Lau­ra A. Nguyen, Frank Rutsch, Renate König, Baek Kim, Michael Emer­man, Oliv­er T. Fack­ler, Oliv­er T. Keppler

Vpx over­comes a SAMHD1-inde­pen­dent block to HIV reverse tran­scrip­tion that is spe­cif­ic to rest­ing CD4 T cells Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Pro­ceed­ings of the Nation­al Acad­e­my of Sci­ences (PNAS) of the USA, vol. 114, no. 10, pp. 2729 – 2734, 2017.



Sophia Groh, Gun­nar Schotta

Silenc­ing of endoge­nous retro­virus­es by het­e­rochro­matin Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Cel­lu­lar and Mol­e­c­u­lar Life Sci­ences, vol. 74, no. 11, pp. 2055 – 2065, 2017.



Ele­na Heusinger, Frank Kirchhoff

Pri­mate Lentivirus­es Mod­u­late NF-$kappa$B Activ­i­ty by Mul­ti­ple Mech­a­nisms to Fine-Tune Viral and Cel­lu­lar Gene Expres­sion Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Fron­tiers in Micro­bi­ol­o­gy, vol. 8, pp. 198, 2017.



K. L. Jøns­son, A. Laust­sen, C. Krapp, K. A. Skip­per, K. Thavachel­vam, D. Hot­ter, J. H. Egedal, M. Kjol­by, P. Moham­ma­di, T. Prabakaran, L. K. Sørensen, C. Sun, S. B. Jensen, C. K. Holm, R. J. Leb­bink, M. Johannsen, M. Nye­gaard, J. G. Mikkelsen, F. Kirch­hoff, S. R. Palu­dan, M. R. Jakobsen

IFI16 is required for DNA sens­ing in human macrophages by pro­mot­ing pro­duc­tion and func­tion of cGAMP Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Nature Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 14391, 2017.



Simon Langer, Daniel Sauter

Unusu­al Fusion Pro­teins of HIV‑1 Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Fron­tiers in Micro­bi­ol­o­gy, vol. 7, pp. 2152, 2017.



Birthe Trautz, Vir­ginia Pieri­ni, Rebec­ka Wom­bach­er, Bet­ti­na Stolp, Aman­da J. Chase, Mas­si­mo Piz­za­to, Oliv­er T. Fackler

The Antag­o­nism of HIV‑1 Nef to SERINC5 Par­ti­cle Infec­tiv­i­ty Restric­tion Involves the Coun­ter­ac­tion of Viri­on-Asso­ci­at­ed Pools of the Restric­tion Fac­tor Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Jour­nal of Virol­o­gy, vol. 90, no. 23, pp. 10915 – 10927, 2016.



Shut­ing Xu, Aurélie Ducroux, Aparna Pon­nu­rangam, Gabrielle Vieyres, Sergej Franz, Math­ias Müsken, Thomas Zillinger, Angeli­na Malas­sa, Ellen Ewald, Veit Hor­nung, Win­fried Bar­chet, Susanne Häus­sler, Thomas Pietschmann, Chris­tine Goffinet

cGAS-Medi­at­ed Innate Immu­ni­ty Spreads Inter­cel­lu­lar­ly through HIV‑1 Env-Induced Mem­brane Fusion Sites Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Cell Host and Microbe, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 443 – 457, 2016.



Dominik Hot­ter, Daniel Sauter, Frank Kirchhoff

Guany­late bind­ing pro­tein 5: Impair­ing viri­on infec­tiv­i­ty by tar­get­ing retro­vi­ral enve­lope gly­co­pro­teins Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Small GTPas­es, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 31 – 37, 2016.


73 entries « 4 of 4 »