
73 entries « 3 of 4 »

Hus­sein Al-She­habi, Uwe Fiebig, Juliane Kutzn­er, Joachim Den­ner, Torsten Schaller, Nor­bert Ban­nert, Hen­ning Hofmann

Human SAMHD1 restricts the xeno­trans­plan­ta­tion rel­e­vant porcine endoge­nous retro­virus (PERV) in non-divid­ing cells Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Jour­nal of Gen­er­al Virol­o­gy, vol. 100, no. 4, pp. 656 – 661, 2019.



Simon Langer, Chris­t­ian Ham­mer, Kristi­na Hopfensperg­er, Lukas Klein, Dominik Hot­ter, Paul D De Jesus, Kristi­na M Her­bert, Lars Pache, Nikaïa Smith, Johannes A Mer­we, Sum­it K Chan­da, Jacques Fel­lay, Frank Kirch­hoff, Daniel Sauter

HIV‑1 Vpu is a potent tran­scrip­tion­al sup­pres­sor of NF-κB-elicit­ed antivi­ral immune respons­es Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: eLife, vol. 8, pp. e41930, 2019.



Patrí­cia Sousa-Pereira, Joana Abrantes, Ste­fan Bauern­fried, Vir­ginia Pieri­ni, Pedro José Esteves, Oliv­er T. Kep­pler, Mas­si­mo Piz­za­to, Veit Hor­nung, Oliv­er T. Fack­ler, Han­na-Mari Baldauf

The antivi­ral activ­i­ty of rodent and lago­morph SERINC3 and SERINC5 is coun­ter­act­ed by known viral antag­o­nists Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Jour­nal of Gen­er­al Virol­o­gy, vol. 100, no. 2, pp. 278 – 288, 2019.



Nel­li Baal, Sarah Cun­ning­ham, Han­nah-Lena Ober­mann, Jen­ny Thomas, Anne Lip­pitsch, Kristi­na Dietert, Achim D. Gru­ber, Andreas Kauf­mann, Gabriela Michel, Andrea Nist, Thorsten Stiewe, Oliv­er Rupp, Alexan­der Goes­mann, Sven Zukun­ft, Ingrid Flem­ing, Gre­gor Bein, Jür­gen Lohmey­er, Ste­fan Bauer, Hol­ger Hackstein

ADAR1 Is Required for Den­drit­ic Cell Sub­set Home­osta­sis and Alve­o­lar Macrophage Func­tion Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Jour­nal of Immunol­o­gy, vol. 202, no. 4, pp. 1099 – 1111, 2019.



David Ale­jan­dro Bejara­no, Ke Peng, Vibor Lake­ta, Kath­leen Börn­er, K Lau­rence Jost, Bojana Lucic, Bär­bel Glass, Mari­na Lusic, Bar­bara Müller, Hans-Georg Kräusslich

HIV‑1 nuclear import in macrophages is reg­u­lat­ed by CPS­F6-cap­sid inter­ac­tions at the nuclear pore com­plex Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: eLife, vol. 8, pp. e41800, 2019.



Chris­tine D. Lands­berg, Dominik A. Meg­ger, Dominik Hot­ter, Meike U. Rück­born, Mareike Eil­brecht, Jassin Rashi­di-Alav­i­jeh, Sebas­t­ian Howe, Ste­fan Hein­richs, Daniel Sauter, Bar­bara Sitek, Vu Thuy Khanh Le-Trilling, Mirko Trilling

A Mass Spec­trom­e­try-Based Pro­fil­ing of Inter­ac­tomes of Viral DDB1- and Cullin Ubiq­ui­tin Lig­ase-Bind­ing Pro­teins Reveals NF-κB Inhibito­ry Activ­i­ty of the HIV-2-Encod­ed Vpx Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Fron­tiers in Immunol­o­gy, vol. 9, pp. 2978, 2018.



Kun Qu, Bär­bel Glass, Michal Doležal, Flo­ri­an K. M. Schur, Brice Mur­ciano, Alan Rein, Michaela Rumlová, Tomáš Ruml, Hans-Georg Kräus­slich, John A. G. Briggs

Struc­ture and archi­tec­ture of imma­ture and mature murine leukemia virus cap­sids Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Pro­ceed­ings of the Nation­al Acad­e­my of Sci­ences (PNAS) of the USA, vol. 115, no. 50, pp. E11751 – E11760, 2018.



Edmund Osei Kuf­four, Ker­stin Schott, Anan­da Ayyap­pan Jagu­va Vasude­van, Jes­si­ca Holler, Wolf­gang A. Schulz, Philipp A. Lang, Karl S. Lang, Baek Kim, Dieter Häussinger, Renate König, Carsten Münk

USP18 (UBP43) Abro­gates p21-Medi­at­ed Inhi­bi­tion of HIV‑1 Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Jour­nal of Virol­o­gy, vol. 92, no. 20, pp. e00592-18, 2018.



Car­o­line Lam­bert, Mathilde Couteaudi­er, Julie Gouzil, Léa Richard, Thomas Mon­tange, Edouard Bet­sem, Réjane Rua, Joelle Tobaly-Tapiero, Dirk Lin­de­mann, Richard Njouom, Augustin Mouin­ga-Ondémé, Antoine Ges­sain, Flo­rence Buseyne

Potent neu­tral­iz­ing anti­bod­ies in humans infect­ed with zoonot­ic simi­an foamy virus­es tar­get con­served epi­topes locat­ed in the dimor­phic domain of the sur­face enve­lope pro­tein Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: PLoS Pathogens, vol. 14, no. 10, pp. e1007293, 2018.



Ele­na Heusinger, Kat­ja Deppe, Pao­la Sette, Chris­t­ian Krapp, Doro­ta Kmiec, Sil­via F. Kluge, Pre­ston A. Marx, Cris­t­ian Ape­trei, Frank Kirch­hoff, Daniel Sauter

Preadap­ta­tion of Simi­an Immun­od­e­fi­cien­cy Virus SIVs­mm Facil­i­tat­ed Env-Medi­at­ed Coun­ter­ac­tion of Human Teth­erin by Human Immun­od­e­fi­cien­cy Virus Type 2 Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Jour­nal of Virol­o­gy, vol. 92, no. 18, pp. e00276-18, 2018.



Doro­ta Kmiec, Bengisu Akbil, Swetha Ananth, Dominik Hot­ter, Kon­stan­tin M. J. Spar­rer, Christi­na M. Stürzel, Birthe Trautz, Ahid­jo Ayou­ba, Mar­tine Peeters, Zhong Yao, Igor Stagl­jar, Vânia Pas­sos, Thomas Zillinger, Chris­tine Goffinet, Daniel Sauter, Oliv­er T. Fack­ler, Frank Kirchhoff

SIV­col Nef coun­ter­acts SERINC5 by pro­mot­ing its pro­tea­so­mal degra­da­tion but does not effi­cient­ly enhance HIV‑1 repli­ca­tion in human CD4+ T cells and lym­phoid tis­sue Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Pub­lic Library of Sci­ence (PLoS) Pathogens, vol. 14, no. 8, pp. e1007269, 2018.



Kyle L. Mor­ris, Cos­mo Z. Buf­fa­lo, Christi­na M. Stürzel, Ele­na Heusinger, Frank Kirch­hoff, Xue­feng Ren, James H. Hurley

HIV‑1 Nefs Are Car­go-Sen­si­tive AP‑1 Trimer­iza­tion Switch­es in Teth­erin Down­reg­u­la­tion Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Cell, vol. 174, no. 3, pp. 659 – 671.e14, 2018.



Ker­stin Schott, Nina V. Fuchs, Rita Derua, Bijan Mah­boubi, Esther Schnell­bäch­er, Jan­na Seifried, Chris­tiane Ton­dera, Heike Schmitz, Caitlin Shep­ard, Alber­to Bran­dariz-Nuñez, Felipe Diaz-Grif­fero, Andreas Reuter, Baek Kim, Veer­le Janssens, Renate König

Dephos­pho­ry­la­tion of the HIV‑1 restric­tion fac­tor SAMHD1 is medi­at­ed by PP2A-B55α holoen­zymes dur­ing mitot­ic exit Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Nature Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 2227, 2018.



Simone Joas, Eri­ca H. Par­rish, Clement W. Gnanadu­rai, Edi­na Lump, Christi­na M. Stürzel, Nicholas F. Par­rish, Ger­ald H. Learn, Ulrike Sauer­mann, Berit Neu­mann, Ker­stin Mätz Rens­ing, Diet­mar Fuchs, James M. Billings­ley, Steven E. Bosinger, Gui­do Sil­vestri, Cris­t­ian Ape­trei, Nico­las Huot, Thalia Gar­cia-Tellez, Michaela Müller-Trutwin, Dominik Hot­ter, Daniel Sauter, Chris­tiane Stahl-Hen­nig, Beat­rice H. Hahn, Frank Kirchhoff

Species-spe­cif­ic host fac­tors rather than virus-intrin­sic vir­u­lence deter­mine pri­mate lentivi­ral path­o­genic­i­ty Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Nature Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1371, 2018.



Daniel Sauter, Frank Kirchhoff

Mul­ti­lay­ered and ver­sa­tile inhi­bi­tion of cel­lu­lar antivi­ral fac­tors by HIV and SIV acces­so­ry pro­teins Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Cytokine Growth Fac­tor Review, vol. 40, pp. 3 – 12, 2018.



Kathrin Sut­ter, Julia Dick­ow, Ulf Dittmer

Inter­fer­on α sub­types in HIV infec­tion Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Cytokine Growth Fac­tor Review, vol. 40, pp. 13 – 18, 2018.



Nor­bert Ban­nert, Hen­ning Hof­mann, Adri­ana Block, Oliv­er Hohn

HERVs New Role in Can­cer: From Accused Per­pe­tra­tors to Cheer­ful Pro­tec­tors Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Fron­tiers in Micro­bi­ol­o­gy, vol. 9, pp. 178, 2018.



David Palesch, Steven E. Bosinger, Gre­go­ry K. Tharp, Thomas H. Van­der­ford, Mirko Paiar­di­ni, Ann Chahrou­di, Zachary P. John­son, Frank Kirch­hoff, Beat­rice H. Hahn, Robert B. Nor­gren, Nirav B. Patel, Don­ald L. Sodo­ra, Reem A. Dawoud, Caro-Beth Stew­art, Sara M. Seepo, R. Alan Har­ris, Yue Liu, Muthuswamy Raveen­dran, Yi Han, Adam Eng­lish, Gregg W. C. Thomas, Matthew W. Hahn, Lenore Pipes, Christo­pher E. Mason, Don­na M. Muzny, Richard A. Gibbs, Daniel Sauter, Kim Wor­ley, Jef­frey Rogers, Gui­do Silvestri

Sooty mangabey genome sequence pro­vides insight into AIDS resis­tance in a nat­ur­al SIV host Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Nature, vol. 553, no. 7686, pp. 77 – 81, 2018.



Eri Yama­da, Shin­ji Nakao­ka, Lukas Klein, Elis­a­beth Rei­th, Simon Langer, Kristi­na Hopfensperg­er, Shin­go Iwa­mi, Gideon Schreiber, Frank Kirch­hoff, Yoshio Koy­ana­gi, Daniel Sauter, Kei Sato

Human-Spe­cif­ic Adap­ta­tions in Vpu Con­fer­ring Anti-teth­erin Activ­i­ty Are Crit­i­cal for Effi­cient Ear­ly HIV‑1 Repli­ca­tion InVi­vo Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Cell Host and Microbe, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 110 – 120.e7, 2018.



Dominik Hot­ter, Frank Kirchhoff

Inter­fer­ons and beyond: Induc­tion of anti­retro­vi­ral restric­tion fac­tors Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Jour­nal of Leuko­cyte Biol­o­gy, vol. 103, no. 3, pp. 465 – 477, 2017.


73 entries « 3 of 4 »