
73 entries « 2 of 4 »

Mat­teo Bosso, Cate­ri­na Prel­li Boz­zo, Dominik Hot­ter, Meta Vol­cic, Christi­na M. Stürzel, Anni­ka Ram­melt, Yi Ni, Stephan Urban, Miri­am Beck­er, Mario Schel­haas, Sabine Wittmann, Maria H. Chris­tensen, Flo­ri­an I. Schmidt, Thomas Gram­berg, Kon­stan­tin M. J. Spar­rer, Daniel Sauter, Frank Kirchhoff

Nuclear PYHIN pro­teins tar­get the host tran­scrip­tion fac­tor Sp1 there­by restrict­ing HIV‑1 in human macrophages and CD4+ T cells Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Pub­lic Library of Sci­ence (PLoS) Pathogens, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. e1008752, 2020.



Cari­na Elsner, Aparna Pon­nu­rangam, Julia Kazmier­s­ki, Thomas Zillinger, Jen­ny Jansen, Daniel Todt, Katin­ka Döh­n­er, Shut­ing Xu, Aurélie Ducroux, Nils Kriede­mann, Angeli­na Malas­sa, Pia-Katha­ri­na Larsen, Gun­ther Hart­mann, Win­fried Bar­chet, Eike Stein­mann, Ulrich Kalinke, Beate Sodeik, Chris­tine Goffinet

Absence of cGAS-medi­at­ed type I IFN respons­es in HIV-1-infect­ed T cells Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Pro­ceed­ings of the Nation­al Acad­e­my of Sci­ences (PNAS) of the USA, vol. 117, no. 32, pp. 19475 – 19486, 2020.



Lennart Koep­ke, Ben­jamin Win­ter, Alexan­der Gren­zn­er, Ker­stin Regens­burg­er, Susanne Engel­hart, Johannes A. Mer­we, Ste­fan Krebs, Hel­mut Blum, Frank Kirch­hoff, Kon­stan­tin M. J. Sparrer

An improved method for high-through­put quan­tifi­ca­tion of autophagy in mam­malian cells Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Sci­en­tif­ic Reports, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 12241, 2020.



Lise Lauter­bach-Riv­ière, Maïwenn Bergez, Sask­ia Mönch, Bingqian Qu, Max­i­m­il­ian Riess, Flo­ri­an W. R. Von­dran, Juliane Liese, Veit Hor­nung, Stephan Urban, Renate König

Hepati­tis B Virus DNA is a Sub­strate for the cGAS/​STING Path­way but is not Sensed in Infect­ed Hepa­to­cytes Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Virus­es, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 592, 2020.



Jérémie Prévost, Cas­san­dra R. Edgar, Jonathan Richard, Steven M. Trothen, Rajesh Abra­ham Jacob, Mitchell J. Mum­by, Suzanne Pick­er­ing, Math­ieu Dubé, Daniel E. Kauf­mann, Frank Kirch­hoff, Stu­art J. D. Neil, Andrés Finzi, Jim­my D. Dikeakos

HIV‑1 Vpu Down­reg­u­lates Tim‑3 from the Sur­face of Infect­ed CD4+ T Cells Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Jour­nal of Virol­o­gy, vol. 94, no. 7, pp. e01999-19, 2020.



Ser­gio Cas­tro-Gon­za­lez, Yuhang Shi, Mar­ta Colom­er-Lluch, Ying Song, Kait­lyn Mow­ery, Shar­i­lyn Almod­ovar, Anju Bansal, Frank Kirch­hoff, Kon­stan­tin Spar­rer, Chengyu Liang, Ruth Serra-Moreno

HIV‑1 Nef coun­ter­acts autophagy restric­tion by enhanc­ing the asso­ci­a­tion between BECN1 and its inhibitor BCL2 in a PRKN-depen­dent man­ner Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Autophagy, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 553 – 577, 2020.



Simone Joas, Ulrike Sauer­mann, Berit Roshani, Anton­i­na Klip­pert, Maria Daskala­ki, Ker­stin Mätz-Rens­ing, Nicole Stolte-Leeb, Anke Heigele, Gre­go­ry K. Tharp, Prachi Mehro­tra Gup­ta, Syd­ney Nel­son, Steven Bosinger, Lau­ra Par­o­di, Luis Giave­doni, Gui­do Sil­vestri, Daniel Sauter, Chris­tiane Stahl-Hen­nig, Frank Kirchhoff

Nef-Medi­at­ed CD3-TCR Down­mod­u­la­tion Damp­ens Acute Inflam­ma­tion and Pro­motes SIV Immune Eva­sion Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Cell Reports, vol. 30, no. 7, pp. 2261 – 2274.e7, 2020.



Doro­ta Kmiec, Ray­hane Nchioua, Scott Sher­rill-Mix, Christi­na M. Stürzel, Ele­na Heusinger, Elis­a­beth Braun, Mar­cos V. P. Gondim, Dominik Hot­ter, Kon­stan­tin M. J. Spar­rer, Beat­rice H. Hahn, Daniel Sauter, Frank Kirchhoff

CpG Fre­quen­cy in the 5′ Third of the env Gene Deter­mines Sen­si­tiv­i­ty of Pri­ma­ry HIV‑1 Strains to the Zinc-Fin­ger Antivi­ral Pro­tein Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: mBio, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. e02903-19, 2020.



Nina V. Fuchs, Max­i­m­il­ian Schieck, Michaela Neuenkirch, Chris­tiane Ton­dera, Heike Schmitz, Doris Steine­mann, Gudrun Göhring, Renate König

Induced pluripo­tent stem cell line (PEIi003‑A) derived from an appar­ent­ly healthy male indi­vid­ual Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Stem Cell Research, vol. 42, pp. 101679, 2020.



Julia Ick­ler, San­dra Fran­cois, Marek Widera, Mario L. San­ti­a­go, Ulf Dittmer, Kathrin Sutter

HIV infec­tion does not alter inter­fer­on α/​β recep­tor 2 expres­sion on mucos­al immune cells Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Pub­lic Library of Sci­ence (PLoS) One, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. e0218905, 2020.



Xin Yin, Simon Langer, Zeli Zhang, Kristi­na M. Her­bert, Sun­nie Yoh, Renate König, Sum­it K. Chanda

Sen­sor Sen­si­bil­i­ty-HIV‑1 and the Innate Immune Response Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Cells, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 254, 2020.



Ari­ane Zutz, Chris­t­ian Schölz, Stephanie Schnei­der, Vir­ginia Pieri­ni, Max­i­m­il­ian Münch­hoff, Kathrin Sut­ter, Georg Wittmann, Ulf Dittmer, Rika Draen­ert, Johannes R. Bogn­er, Oliv­er T. Fack­ler, Oliv­er T. Keppler

SERINC5 Is an Uncon­ven­tion­al HIV Restric­tion Fac­tor That Is Upreg­u­lat­ed dur­ing Myeloid Cell Dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Jour­nal of Innate Immu­ni­ty, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 399 – 409, 2020.



Swetha Ananth, Katha­ri­na Morath, Birthe Trautz, Nadine Tibroni, Iart Luca Shy­taj, Benedikt Ober­maier, Bet­ti­na Stolp, Mari­na Lusic, Oliv­er T. Fackler

Mul­ti­func­tion­al Roles of the N‑Terminal Region of HIV‑1 SF2 Nef Are Medi­at­ed by Three Inde­pen­dent Pro­tein Inter­ac­tion Sites Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Jour­nal of Virol­o­gy, vol. 94, no. 1, pp. e01398-19, 2019.



Nina V. Fuchs, Max­i­m­il­ian Schieck, Michaela Neuenkirch, Chris­tiane Ton­dera, Heike Schmitz, Vin­cent Portes, David Ger­manaud, Doris Steine­mann, Gudrun Göhring, Renate König

Induced pluripo­tent stem cells (iPSCs) derived from a ren­pen­ning syn­drome patient with c.459_462delAGAG muta­tion in PQBP1 (PEIi001‑A) Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Stem Cell Research, vol. 41, pp. 101592, 2019.



Vânia Pas­sos, Thomas Zillinger, Nico­let­ta Casartel­li, Amelie S. Wachs, Shut­ing Xu, Angeli­na Malas­sa, Kat­ja Step­pich, Hilde­gard Schilling, Sergej Franz, Daniel Todt, Eike Stein­mann, Kathrin Sut­ter, Ulf Dittmer, Jens Bohne, Olivi­er Schwartz, Win­fried Bar­chet, Chris­tine Goffinet

Char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of Endoge­nous SERINC5 Pro­tein as Anti-HIV‑1 Fac­tor Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Jour­nal of Virol­o­gy, vol. 93, no. 24, pp. e01221-19, 2019.



Maïwenn Bergez, Jakob Weber, Max­i­m­il­ian Riess, Alexan­der Erd­beer, Jan­na Seifried, Nicole Stanke, Clara Munz, Veit Hor­nung, Renate König, Dirk Lindemann

Insights into Innate Sens­ing of Pro­to­type Foamy Virus­es in Myeloid Cells Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Virus­es, vol. 11, no. 12, pp. 1095, 2019.



Edmund Osei Kuf­four, Renate König, Dieter Häussinger, Wolf­gang A. Schulz, Carsten Münk

ISG15 Defi­cien­cy Enhances HIV‑1 Infec­tion by Accu­mu­lat­ing Mis­fold­ed p53 Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: mBio, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. e01342-19, 2019.



Dominik Hot­ter, Mat­teo Bosso, Kasper L. Jøns­son, Chris­t­ian Krapp, Christi­na M. Stürzel, Atze Das, Elis­a­beth Lit­twitz-Salomon, Ben Berk­hout, Ali­na Russ, Sabine Wittmann, Thomas Gram­berg, Yue Zheng, Lau­ra J. Mar­tins, Vicente Planelles, Mar­tin R. Jakob­sen, Beat­rice H. Hahn, Ulf Dittmer, Daniel Sauter, Frank Kirchhoff

IFI16 Tar­gets the Tran­scrip­tion Fac­tor Sp1 to Sup­press HIV‑1 Tran­scrip­tion and Laten­cy Reac­ti­va­tion Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Cell Host and Microbe, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 858 – 872.e13, 2019.



Elis­a­beth Braun, Dominik Hot­ter, Lennart Koep­ke, Fabi­an Zech, Rüdi­ger Groß, Kon­stan­tin M. J. Spar­rer, Janis A. Müller, Chris­t­ian K. Pfall­er, Ele­na Heusinger, Rebec­ka Wom­bach­er, Kathrin Sut­ter, Ulf Dittmer, Michael Win­kler, Gra­ham Sim­mons, Mar­tin R. Jakob­sen, Karl-Klaus Conzel­mann, Ste­fan Pöhlmann, Jan Münch, Oliv­er T. Fack­ler, Frank Kirch­hoff, Daniel Sauter

Guany­late-Bind­ing Pro­teins 2 and 5 Exert Broad Antivi­ral Activ­i­ty by Inhibit­ing Furin-Medi­at­ed Pro­cess­ing of Viral Enve­lope Pro­teins Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Cell Reports, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 2092 – 2104.e10, 2019.



Daichi Yama­so­ba, Kei Sato, Takuya Ichi­nose, Tomoko Ima­mu­ra, Lennart Koep­ke, Simone Joas, Elis­a­beth Rei­th, Dominik Hot­ter, Naoko Mis­awa, Kotaro Aka­ki, Takuya Ueha­ta, Takashi Mino, Sho Miyamo­to, Takeshi Noda, Akio Yamashita, Daron M. Stan­d­ley, Frank Kirch­hoff, Daniel Sauter, Yoshio Koy­ana­gi, Osamu Takeuchi

N4BP1 restricts HIV‑1 and its inac­ti­va­tion by MALT1 pro­motes viral reac­ti­va­tion Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Nature Micro­bi­ol­o­gy, vol. 4, no. 9, pp. 1532 – 1544, 2019.


73 entries « 2 of 4 »