
71 entries « 1 of 4 »

Chao­hui Lin, Edmund Osei Kuf­four, Nina V Fuchs, Christoph G W Gertzen, Jesko Kaiser, Max­i­m­il­ian Hirschen­berg­er, Xiao Tang, Haifeng C Xu, Oliv­er Michel, Ron­ny Tao, Alexan­dra Haase, Ulrich Mar­tin, Thomas Kurz, Ingo Drexler, Boris Görg, Philipp A Lang, Tom Lued­de, Kon­stan­tin M J Spar­rer, Hol­ger Gohlke, Renate König, Carsten Münk

Reg­u­la­tion of STING activ­i­ty in DNA sens­ing by ISG15 mod­i­fi­ca­tion Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Cell Rep, vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 113277, 2023, ISSN: 2211 – 1247.

Abstract | Links


Moritz Schüssler, Ker­stin Schott, Nina Ver­e­na Fuchs, Adri­an Oo, Morssal Zaha­di, Paula Rauch, Baek Kim, Renate König

Gene edit­ing of in macrophage-like cells reveals com­plex rela­tion­ships between SAMHD1 phos­pho-reg­u­la­tion, HIV‑1 restric­tion and cel­lu­lar dNTP lev­els Mis­cel­la­neous


Abstract | Links


Hus­sein Al-She­habi, Nor­bert Bannert

PERV induces CXCL10 in human mono­cytes and mono­cyte-derived pri­ma­ry cells. Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: online ahead of print, 2022, ISSN: 1423 – 0100.



Thomas A Packard, Roland Schwarz­er, Eytan Herzig, Deep­ashri Rao, Xiaoyu Luo, Johanne H Egedal, Feng Hsiao, Marek Widera, Judd F Hultquist, Zachary W Grim­mett, Ronald J Mess­er, Nevan J Kro­gan, Steven G Deeks, Nadia R Roan, Ulf Dittmer, Kim J Hasenkrug, Warn­er C Greene

CCL2: a Chemokine Poten­tial­ly Pro­mot­ing Ear­ly Seed­ing of the Latent HIV Reser­voir Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: mBio, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. e0189122, 2022, ISSN: 2150 – 7511.

Abstract | Links


Helene Sertznig, Fabi­an Roes­mann, Alexan­der Wil­helm, Delia Heininger, Bar­bara Bleek­mann, Cari­na Elsner, Mario San­ti­a­go, Jonas Schuhenn, Zehra Karakoese, Yvonne Benatzy, Ryan Snod­grass, Ste­fan Ess­er, Kathrin Sut­ter, Ulf Dittmer, Marek Widera

SRSF1 acts as an IFN-I-reg­u­lat­ed cel­lu­lar depen­den­cy fac­tor deci­sive­ly affect­ing HIV‑1 post-inte­gra­tion steps Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Front Immunol, vol. 13, pp. 935800, 2022, ISSN: 1664 – 3224.

Abstract | Links


Mat­teo Bosso, Christi­na M. Stürzel, Doro­ta Kmiec, Smitha Srini­vasachar Badari­narayan, Elis­a­beth Braun, Jumpei Ito, Kei Sato, Beat­rice H. Hahn, Kon­stan­tin M. J. Spar­rer, Daniel Sauter, Frank Kirchhoff

An addi­tion­al NF-κB site allows HIV‑1 sub­type C to evade restric­tion by nuclear PYHIN pro­teins Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Cell Reports, vol. 36, no. 12, pp. 109735, 2021.



Cate­ri­na Prel­li Boz­zo, Ray­hane Nchioua, Meta Vol­cic, Lennart Koep­ke, Jana Krüger, Desiree Schütz, San­dra Heller, Christi­na M. Stürzel, Doro­ta Kmiec, Cari­na Conzel­mann, Janis Müller, Fabi­an Zech, Elis­a­beth Braun, Rüdi­ger Groß, Lukas Wettstein, Tat­jana Weil, Johan­na Weiß, Fed­er­i­ca Dio­fano, Arman­do A. Rodríguez Alfon­so, Sebas­t­ian Wiese, Daniel Sauter, Jan Münch, Chris­tine Goffinet, Alber­to Catanese, Michael Schön, Tobias M. Boeck­ers, Stef­fen Stenger, Kei Sato, Stef­fen Just, Alexan­der Kleger, Kon­stan­tin M. J. Spar­rer, Frank Kirchhoff

IFITM pro­teins pro­mote SARS-CoV­‑2 infec­tion and are tar­gets for virus inhi­bi­tion in vit­ro Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Nature Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 4584, 2021.



Smitha Srini­vasachar Badari­narayan, Daniel Sauter

Switch­ing Sides: How Endoge­nous Retro­virus­es Pro­tect Us from Viral Infec­tions Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Jour­nal of Virol­o­gy, vol. 95, no. 12, pp. e02299-20, 2021.



Manuel Hayn, Max­i­m­il­ian Hirschen­berg­er, Lennart Koep­ke, Ray­hane Nchioua, Jan Hen­drik Straub, Susanne Klute, Vic­to­ria Hun­szinger, Fabi­an Zech, Cate­ri­na Prel­li Boz­zo, Wasim Aftab, Maria Høn­holt Chris­tensen, Cari­na Conzel­mann, Janis Alexan­der Müller, Smitha Srini­vasachar Badari­narayan, Christi­na Mar­ti­na Stürzel, Ignasi Forne, Stef­fen Stenger, Karl-Klaus Conzel­mann, Jan Münch, Flo­ri­an Ingo Schmidt, Daniel Sauter, Axel Imhof, Frank Kirch­hoff, Kon­stan­tin Maria Johannes Sparrer

Sys­tem­at­ic func­tion­al analy­sis of SARS-CoV­‑2 pro­teins uncov­ers viral innate immune antag­o­nists and remain­ing vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Cell Reports, vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 109126, 2021.



Wen Cui, Elis­a­beth Braun, Wei Wang, Jin­hong Tang, Yanyan Zheng, Ben­jamin Slater, Na Li, Cheng Chen, Qingx­i­ang Liu, Bin Wang, Xiu Li, Yinkai Duan, Yun­jie Xiao, Rui­jiao Ti, Dominik Hot­ter, Xiaoyun Ji, Lei Zhang, Jun Cui, Yong Xiong, Daniel Sauter, Zefang Wang, Frank Kirch­hoff, Haitao Yang

Struc­tur­al basis for GTP-induced dimer­iza­tion and antivi­ral func­tion of guany­late-bind­ing pro­teins Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Pro­ceed­ings of the Nation­al Acad­e­my of Sci­ences (PNAS) of the USA, vol. 118, no. 15, pp. e2022269118, 2021.



Vir­ginia Pieri­ni, Lara Gal­luc­ci, Christi­na M. Stürzel, Frank Kirch­hoff, Oliv­er T. Fackler

SERINC5 Can Enhance Proin­flam­ma­to­ry Cytokine Pro­duc­tion by Pri­ma­ry Human Myeloid Cells in Response to Chal­lenge with HIV‑1 Par­ti­cles Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Jour­nal of Virol­o­gy, vol. 95, no. 9, pp. e02372-20, 2021.



Renate König, Carsten Münk

Spe­cial Issue: “Innate Immune Sens­ing of Virus­es and Viral Eva­sion” Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Virus­es, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 567, 2021.



Oya Cingöz, Nico­las D. Arnow, Mireia Puig Tor­rents, Nor­bert Bannert

Vpx enhances innate immune respons­es inde­pen­dent­ly of SAMHD1 dur­ing HIV‑1 infec­tion Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Retro­vi­rol­o­gy, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 4, 2021.



Lisa Marie Kaiser, Mir­ja Harms, Daniel Sauter, Vijay P. S. Rawat, Mir­co Glitsch­er, Eber­hard Hildt, Daniel Tews, Zachary Hunter, Jan Münch, Chris­t­ian Buske

Tar­get­ing of CXCR4 by the Nat­u­ral­ly Occur­ring CXCR4 Antag­o­nist EPI-X4 in Walden­ström’s Macroglob­u­line­mia Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Can­cers (Basel), vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 826, 2021.



Daniel Sauter, Frank Kirchhoff

Evo­lu­tion­ary con­flicts and adverse effects of antivi­ral fac­tors Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: eLife, vol. 10, pp. e65243, 2021.



Shee­tal Kaw, Swetha Ananth, Niko­laos Tsopoulidis, Katha­ri­na Morath, Bahar M Coban, Ralph Hohen­berg­er, Olcay C Bulut, Flo­ri­an Klein, Bet­ti­na Stolp, Oliv­er T Fackler

HIV‑1 infec­tion of CD4 T cells impairs anti­gen-spe­cif­ic B cell func­tion Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: The EMBO Jour­nal, vol. 39, no. 24, pp. e105594, 2020.



Smitha Srini­vasachar Badari­narayan, Iri­na Shcherbako­va, Simon Langer, Lennart Koep­ke, Andrea Preis­ing, Dominik Hot­ter, Frank Kirch­hoff, Kon­stan­tin M J Spar­rer, Gun­nar Schot­ta, Daniel Sauter

HIV‑1 infec­tion acti­vates endoge­nous retro­vi­ral pro­mot­ers reg­u­lat­ing antivi­ral gene expres­sion Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Nucle­ic Acids Research, vol. 48, no. 19, pp. 10890 – 10908, 2020.



Matthias Thoms, Robert Buschauer, Michael Ameis­meier, Lennart Koep­ke, Timo Denk, Max­i­m­il­ian Hirschen­berg­er, Han­na Kratzat, Manuel Hayn, Timur Mack­ens-Kiani, Jing­dong Cheng, Jan H. Straub, Christi­na M. Stürzel, Thomas Fröh­lich, Otto Bern­ing­hausen, Thomas Beck­er, Frank Kirch­hoff, Kon­stan­tin M. J. Spar­rer, Roland Beckmann

Struc­tur­al basis for trans­la­tion­al shut­down and immune eva­sion by the Nsp1 pro­tein of SARS-CoV­‑2 Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Sci­ence, vol. 369, no. 6508, pp. 1249 – 1255, 2020.



Mat­teo Bosso, Cate­ri­na Prel­li Boz­zo, Dominik Hot­ter, Meta Vol­cic, Christi­na M. Stürzel, Anni­ka Ram­melt, Yi Ni, Stephan Urban, Miri­am Beck­er, Mario Schel­haas, Sabine Wittmann, Maria H. Chris­tensen, Flo­ri­an I. Schmidt, Thomas Gram­berg, Kon­stan­tin M. J. Spar­rer, Daniel Sauter, Frank Kirchhoff

Nuclear PYHIN pro­teins tar­get the host tran­scrip­tion fac­tor Sp1 there­by restrict­ing HIV‑1 in human macrophages and CD4+ T cells Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Pub­lic Library of Sci­ence (PLoS) Pathogens, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. e1008752, 2020.



Cari­na Elsner, Aparna Pon­nu­rangam, Julia Kazmier­s­ki, Thomas Zillinger, Jen­ny Jansen, Daniel Todt, Katin­ka Döh­n­er, Shut­ing Xu, Aurélie Ducroux, Nils Kriede­mann, Angeli­na Malas­sa, Pia-Katha­ri­na Larsen, Gun­ther Hart­mann, Win­fried Bar­chet, Eike Stein­mann, Ulrich Kalinke, Beate Sodeik, Chris­tine Goffinet

Absence of cGAS-medi­at­ed type I IFN respons­es in HIV-1-infect­ed T cells Jour­nal Arti­cle

In: Pro­ceed­ings of the Nation­al Acad­e­my of Sci­ences (PNAS) of the USA, vol. 117, no. 32, pp. 19475 – 19486, 2020.


71 entries « 1 of 4 »