

Innate Sensing and Restriction of Retroviruses, September 29/​30, 2022, Heidelberg
BioQuant, Seminar Room 041, Im Neuenheimer Feld 267


  • Michael Emer­man, Seat­tle /​ Ya-Chi Ho, Yale /​ Clare Jol­ly, Lon­don /​ Paul Lehn­er, Cam­bridge /​ Nico­las Manel, Paris /​ Michaela Müller-Trutwin, Paris /​ Gui­do Sil­vestri, Atlanta /​ Michelle Vin­cen­deau, München
  • Oliv­er T. Fack­ler, Hei­del­berg /​ Chris­tine Goffinet, Berlin /​ Oliv­er T. Kep­pler, München /​ Frank Kirch­hoff, Ulm /​ Hans-Georg Kräus­slich, Hei­del­berg /​ Daniel Sauter, Tübin­gen /​ Kon­stan­tin Spar­rer, Ulm /​ Kathrin Sut­ter, Essen


Thursday, September 29

08:30 – 10:00 Wel­come, Test­ing and Registration

Chair: Oliv­er T. Fackler
10:00 Ya-Chi Ho, Yale: “Under­stand­ing HIV‑1 per­sis­tence using sin­gle-cell mul­ti-omics and CRISPR screen”
10:30 Chris­tine Goffinet, Berlin: “Sup­pres­sion of cell-intrin­sic innate immu­ni­ty by HIV‑1 laten­cy-revers­ing HDACi”
11:00 Kathrin Sut­ter, Essen: “Dis­tinct roles of IFNa sub­types dur­ing the course of HIV infection”

11:30 – 12:00 Cof­fee Break

Chair: Marek Widera
12:00 Hans-Georg Kräus­slich, Hei­del­berg: “Role of cap­sid in ear­ly HIV‑1 replication”
12:30 Nico­las Manel, Paris: “Acti­va­tion of innate sen­sors by viruses”

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break

Chair: Alessia Ruggieri
14:00 Michelle Vin­cen­deau, München: “HERVs in Biol­o­gy: Cause or Consequence”
14:30 Daniel Sauter, Tübin­gen: “The good, the bad and the neu­tral: endoge­nous retro­virus­es reg­u­lat­ing cel­lu­lar gene expression”
15:00 Michael Emer­man, Seat­tle: “High through­put CRISPR screens for host fac­tors involved in HIV repli­ca­tion and laten­cy” (vir­tu­al)

15:30 – 17:30 Poster Ses­sion (Foy­er Bio­Quant) with Fin­ger Food and Drinks

Friday, September 30

Chair:Oya Cingöz
09:00 Oliv­er T. Fack­ler, Hei­del­berg: “Roles of phos­phatidylser­ine exter­nal­iza­tion in anti-HIV activ­i­ties of SERINC5
09:30 Paul Lehn­er, Cam­bridge: “How HUSH pro­tects your genome from reverse genet­ic flow”
10:00 Frank Kirch­hoff, Ulm: “Roles of Heli­cas­es, Nucle­as­es and PYHIN pro­teins in HIV inte­gra­tion and transcription”

10:30 – 11:00 Cof­fee Break

Chair: Carsten Münk
11:00 Gui­do Sil­vestri, Atlanta: “Reg­u­la­tion of HIV/​SIV laten­cy by CD8+ T cells”
11:30 Michaela Müller-Trutwin, Paris: “Evo­lu­tion of NK cell activ­i­ty in HIV/​SIV infection”

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch Break

Chair: Bar­bara Sitek
13:00 Clare Jol­ly, Lon­don: “What makes a T cell per­mis­sive for HIV‑1 infection?”
13:30 Kon­stan­tin Spar­rer, Ulm: “Innate immune sens­ing of RNA viruses”
14:00 Oliv­er T. Kep­pler, München: “CD32 dri­ves autoan­ti­body-induced tro­go­cy­to­sis to facil­i­tate HIV‑1 infec­tion of rest­ing CD4 T‑cells”

14:30 End of the Meeting

Octo­ber 4/​5, 2021
Annu­al Meet­ing SPP 1923

Cen­ter for Inte­gra­tive Infec­tious Dis­eases Research (CIID), Hei­del­berg Uni­ver­si­ty Hospital

Due to the cur­rent COVID-19 sit­u­a­tion, this year’s annu­al meet­ing did not take place as a face-to-face event in Hei­del­berg; instead, we held the meet­ing online as a “vir­tu­al meet­ing”. We thank all par­tic­i­pants for the infor­ma­tive talks and the inter­est­ing discussions!

October 8/​9, 2020
Annual Meeting SPP 1923

Cen­ter for Inte­gra­tive Infec­tious Dis­eases Research (CIID), Hei­del­berg Uni­ver­si­ty Hospital

Due to the cur­rent COVID-19 sit­u­a­tion, this year’s annu­al meet­ing did not take place as a face-to-face event in Hei­del­berg; instead, we held the meet­ing online as a “vir­tu­al meet­ing”. We thank all par­tic­i­pants for the infor­ma­tive talks and the inter­est­ing discussions!

December 5/​6, 2019
Annual Meeting SPP 1923

Mar­sil­ius-Kol­leg, Hei­del­berg University


Innate Sensing and Restriction of Retroviruses, June 21/​22, 2018, Heidelberg
BioQuant, Seminar Room 041, Im Neuenheimer Feld 267

Paul Bieni­asz, New York /​ Teu­nis Gei­jten­beek, Ams­ter­dam /​ Stephen Goff, New York /​ George Kas­si­o­tis, Lon­don /​ Nico­las Manel, Paris /​ Mas­si­mo Piz­za­to, Tren­to /​ Chiara Romag­nari, Berlin /​ Susan Ross, Chica­go /​ Viviana Simon, New York


Thursday,  June 21 2018

Chair: Oliv­er Fackler
10:00 Paul Bieni­asz, New York: tba
10:40 Renate König, Lan­gen: “Insights into the role of PQBP1 in innate immune sensing”
11:20 Mas­si­mo Piz­za­to, Tren­to: “The role of SERINC pro­teins in infec­tion and immunity”

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch Break

Chair: Oliv­er Keppler
13:00 George Kas­si­o­tis, Lon­don: “Immune con­se­quences of a mil­lion-year long infection”
13:40 Chiara Romag­nani, Berlin: “Viral speci­fici­ty of adap­tive NK cells”
14:20 Ulf Dittmer, Essen: “The antivi­ral effects of Inter­fer­on alpha sub­types on HIV infection”

15:00 – 15:30 Cof­fee Break

Chair: Michael Schindler
15:30 Nico­las Manel, Paris: “Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of a sen­sor of the HIV cap­sid essen­tial for innate immune activation”
16:10 Chris­tine Goffinet, Han­nover: “HIV-1-medi­at­ed eva­sion from sens­ing and restric­tion in T‑cells”
16:50 Frank Kirch­hoff, Ulm: “Vpu mod­u­lates DNA repair to pre­vent innate sens­ing and hyper­in­te­gra­tion of HIV‑1”

17:30 – 19:00 Poster Ses­sion, Foy­er BioQuant

Friday,  June 22 2018

Chair: Carsten Münk
09:00 Flo­ri­an Schmitt, Bonn: “Role of inflam­ma­somes in viral infection.”
09:40 Viviana Simon, New York: “IL-15 mod­u­lates HIV resis­tance through SAMHD1 inac­ti­va­tion in CD4+T cells”
10:20 Susan Ross, Chica­go: “The role of nucle­ic acid sen­sors in con­trol­ling in vivo retro­virus infection”

11:00 – 11:30 Cof­fee Break

Chair: Dirk Lindemann
11:30 Stephen Goff, New York: “Retro­vi­ral Silenc­ing: Tran­scrip­tion­al and Post-Tran­scrip­tion­al Regulation”
12:10 Gun­nar Schot­ta, München: “Silenc­ing mech­a­nisms of endoge­nous retroviruses”

12:50 – 14:00 Lunch Break

Chair: Ste­fan Bauer
14:00 Veit Hor­nung, München: tba
14:40 Daniel Sauter, Ulm: “Guany­late-bind­ing pro­teins 2 and 5 reduce viri­on infec­tiv­i­ty by inhibit­ing furin-medi­at­ed Env processing”
15:20 Teu­nis Gei­jten­beek, Ams­ter­dam: “Innate sens­ing by C‑type lectin recep­tors con­trols HIV‑1 infection”

16:00 End of the Meeting

Novem­ber 16/​17, 2017
Annu­al Meet­ing SPP 1923

Mar­sil­ius-Kol­leg, Hei­del­berg University

November 7/​8, 2016
Kick-Off Meeting SPP 1923

Inter­na­tionales Wis­senschafts­fo­rum Hei­del­berg (IWH), Heidelberg